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Renewal of Creditworthiness for Counties
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
Preparation for renewal of the credit rating of Bungoma, Kisumu and Makueni counties is underway. The renewal of the ratings of these counties is due by March 2021. This process is part of the County Creditworthiness Initiative whose main objective is
Explanation of the Third Basis for Revenue Sharing Among County Governments
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
The third basis for equitable sharing of revenue among county governments (popularly known as the formula) is based on the provision of Article 217 of the Constitution, read together with Article 216 and the Fifth Schedule Section 16. The role of
Public Hearing on the Budget for FY 2021/22 and Medium Term
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
Sector Working Groups have finalized the Sector Budget Proposals for FY 2021/22 and the medium term. In view of this, the National Treasury organized Public Sector Hearings on these proposals to get feedback and input from the public. The Commission participated
County Revenue Administration Structures Workshop
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
The Commission held Validation and Dissemination Workshops for Samburu and Lamu Counties on County Revenue Administration Structures. The objective of this workshop is to identify gaps in revenue administration and recommend action with the county for reform. The ultimate goal is
CRA Audit Committee Reconstituted
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
The Commission completed the process of reconstituting the Audit, Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee, following the expiry of the term of the previous Committee at the end of July.The following members will serve in the committee for a period of