About the Committee
The purpose of the Committee is guided by the Commission understanding that the ability of both national and county governments to perform functions allocated to them by the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution depends on: effective coordination of the roles of the two levels of government based on the principles of distinction, independence, mutuality, corporation, mutual respect, complementarity and subsidiarity; Effective stakeholder participation or democratic involvement of all the relevant actors in the activities at both levels of government through mutual consultation, corporation, collaboration and dialogue; and effective promotion of equitable social development among the peoples of Kenya through deliberate efforts aimed at de-marginalization of social groups, regions and counties that have and continue to suffer different forms of exclusion.
Specifically, the Committee will consider the technical matters of the Commission relating to:
1. Determination and review of a policy in which the Commission sets out the criteria by which to identify the marginalized areas for purposes of the Equalization Fund.
2. Consultations on any Bill that appropriates money out of the Equalisation Fund.
3. Inter-governmental relations between the National and County governments as provided for in the constitution and other subsidiary laws governing the process, state and reality of devolution as a framework for equitable social development and national cohesion.
4. Strategic co-ordination of important stakeholders’ activities with National Government, Parliament, civil society, donor community as well as other non- governmental actors whose work or mandates have a significant bearing and impact on devolution.
5. Equitable sharing of transfers that are designed to re-distribute resources and to promote equalization across counties and de-marginalization of hitherto neglected sections of and social groups/regions in the Kenyan society.
6. Research and policy underpinning criteria for the sharing of revenues from the Equalisation Fund done by the Commission.
7. Provision of general direction and guidance in the operation of the Stakeholder Management & Marginalization Committee.
The SMMC shall undertake the following:
1. At regular intervals, the Committee shall determination, publish and review a policy in which the Commission sets out the criteria by which to identify the marginalized areas for purposes of the Equalization Fund.
2. Annually consider and make recommendations to parliament on the Bill appropriating money out of the Equalisation Fund.
3. Provide inputs to technical research papers and presentations developed/commissioned by the Stakeholder Management & Marginalization Committee.
4. Map out key stakeholders with a view to determining the comparative mandates and capacities in order to match them with the operational needs and institutional responsibilities of CRA as an independent constitutional commission with a mandate to promote equitable sharing of national resources;
5. Explore, establish and maintain institutional and statutory framework, practices and modalities of sound intergovernmental relations and effective stakeholder cooperation on the basis of which to coordinate a working relationship (between the stakeholders) in favour of the successful execution of CRA’s mandate;
6. Strengthen and render more effective the democratic efficiency of all the intergovernmental platforms and stakeholder participatory mechanisms;
The Stakeholder Management & Marginalization Committee is composed of six Commissioners (Appendix 1) and functionally reports to the full Commission on all matters considered from time to time. The Chief Executive Office of the Commission and the Director, Economic Affairs shall attend the Committee meetings. The Director Economic Affairs shall be the Secretary of Committee. The Committee will nonetheless, from time to time, coopt other commissioners into its membership depending on the contribution that he or she may make towards the execution of its mandate.
Upcoming Activities
Ongoing Activities
Past Activities
CRA presents insights on Equalisation Fund Appropriation Bill 2023 to Senate Committee
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Lack of critical basic services a battle for marginalized areas in Isiolo County
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Addressing Marginalization in Laikipia County: Challenges and Proposed Solutions
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Tharaka Nithi County: Climate Change Increasing Level of Marginalization
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Development of the Third Marginalization Policy: CRA identifies 13 sublocations as marginalised in Meru County
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CRA submits memo on the Equalisation Fund Appropriations Bill, 2023
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Kitui County Marginalized Areas to get Ksh534m
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CRA visits three of the most marginalised sub-locations in Kajiado county
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CRA teams visit Garissa, Nakuru and Elgeyo Marakwet for a fresh outlook on marginalized areas
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Commission Visit to Mandera County
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