Kajiado’s OSR has been growing over the past six years. In 2013-14 the collection was Kshs 453 million, and this grew to kshs 786 million in 2014-15. In 2015-16, the collection dipped to Kshs 651 million and further dipped to kshs 557 million in 2016-17. In 2017-18 the collection return to positive growth pattern collecting kshs 682 million. In 2018-19 the collection was the highest at kshs 884 million. OSR for Kajiado has grown the most in the second year and marginally improved after that.
Kajiado county is operation significantly below its estimated revenue potential. In 2018-19 which is the highest reported collection, the county was collectin 13 per cent of the estimated revenue potential of the County. The estimated revenue potential of Kajiado county is Ksshs 6.8 billion. There is need for revenue enhancement reforms that will lead to revenue growth patterns that move the county towards its estimated revenue potential.

Kajiado county government OSR collection and estimated potential over seven years