Public Finance Management Archive
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CRA engages stakeholders on County Budget Ceilings for FY 2025/2026 amid fiscal pressures
on: by Caroline Kinyulusi
On December 5, 2024, the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) convened a consultative meeting to discuss the County Recurrent Expenditure Budget Ceilings for FY 2025/2026. Led by CRA Vice Chairperson Koitamet Ole Kina, the session brought together the County Assemblies Forum
CRA consultative meeting with the Council of Governors over Recurrent Expenditure Budget Ceilings for 2025/26: A Critical Review
on: by Caroline Kinyulusi
On December 6, 2024, the Commission met with the Council of Governors (CoG) to discuss the County Governments’ recurrent expenditure budget ceilings for the fiscal year 2025/26. This meeting was not only an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with the CRA
CRA meets with the 47 counties over the 2024-25 county recurrent expenditure budget ceilings
on: by Caroline Kinyulusi
The Commission met with representatives from all the 47 counties and other key stakeholders on 13th December 2023 at Nairobi Safaripark Hotel to deliberate on the County Recurrent Expenditure Budget Ceilings for the 2024-25 financial year. These consultations are instrumental in
Commission Holds Consultative Meeting on the County Government Recurrent Expenditure Budget Ceilings for Financial Year 2022/2023
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
The Commission on Revenue Allocation held a consultative meeting with the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) on Friday, April 1, 2022 to discuss the Recurrent Expenditure Budget Ceilings for County Governments for the FY 2022/2023. The consultations were held as part of
CRA Makes Submission on Debt to Senate
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
The Commission made a presentation to the Senate on debt on Thursday 16th September in which it gave suggestions on how to mitigate the risk of debt distress. The Commission made the following observations and recommendations: 1. Kenya’s debt has increased
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
County Government Treasuries are required to obtain and consider the views of CRA before sending the County Fiscal Strategy Papers to the County Assembly on February 28th each year. However, during this reporting period, CFSPs submissions to the Commission were very
How To Become a Member of a County Budget Economic Forum
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
What are County Budget and Economic Forums (CBEFS)? CBEFs are forums established in accordance with the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA) 2012 Section 137. Their main purpose is to provide a means of consultation by the county government on the preparation
Renewal of Creditworthiness for Counties
on: by Ronald Ng'eno
Preparation for renewal of the credit rating of Bungoma, Kisumu and Makueni counties is underway. The renewal of the ratings of these counties is due by March 2021. This process is part of the County Creditworthiness Initiative whose main objective is