CPA Mary Wanyonyi sworn-in as the CRA Chairperson
CPA Mary Wanyonyi was on Monday, July 17, 2023 sworn-in as the new Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) by the Chief Justice (CJ), Hon. Lady Justice Martha Koome at the Supreme Court of Kenya.
Mrs. Wanyonyi was formally appointed by H.E President Hon. Dr. William Ruto in the Kenya Gazette Special Issue Vol. CXXV, No. 160, to serve for six years. She takes over from Jane Kiringai, who retired on February 2023 after completing her term of six years.
In her remarks, Mrs. Wanyonyi pledged to uphold the Commission’s independence and to execute her functions in a transparent, accountable and impartial manner: “I assure you that the law will be my guiding principle and that no Kenyan will be left behind”.
The CJ further noted that CRA serves the needs of Kenyans in every corner of Kenya and thus, must endeavour to understand the unique needs and aspirations of each county so that each get their rightful share of resources.
Members and staff of the Commission on Revenue Allocation, representatives from the Executive Office of the President, friends and family of the Chairperson attended the event.
I am greatly humbled today as I accept the position of the Chairperson of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA). This acceptance is filled with gratitude and humility because it is indeed an honour and privilege to be appointed to lead this great institution.
I would like to sincerely thank His Excellency the President Dr. William Ruto for the nomination and the National Assembly for their resounding approval of my nomination. I pledge to serve Kenyans with utmost dedication, faithfulness and integrity as expected of all state officers under our Constitution.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The core mandate of CRA is to recommend the basis for equitable sharing of revenue raised nationally between the national and the county governments and among county governments. In addition, CRA in making recommendations shall seek to define and enhance the revenue sources of the national and county governments.
Currently revenue estimates are unrealistic and ambitious and are applied as balancing figures to support the budget. The failure to collect the revenue leads to pending bills at the end of the financial year and this negatively impacts service delivery at the county level. County Own Source Revenue (OSR) can make a significant impact in improving the livelihoods and welfare of Kenyans.
Research done by CRA confirms that county governments have the potential to collect up to Kshs. 216 billion in revenue from their key revenue streams compared to the current Kshs. 31 billion annually. This is just 14% of the potential revenue counties can collect. The lack of revenue collection is attributed to the manual collection of revenue, high collection costs and lack of updated valuation rolls among other challenges.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The game changer for the counties will be to automate revenue collection. Through automation, counties can collect beyond their potential. I am aware that a few counties have automated revenue collection with positive results.
Under my leadership, the Commission will endeavour to guide on the use of an Integrated County Revenue Management System (ICRMS). The economies of scale enjoyed by this system will significantly reduce the cost of revenue administration in counties and significantly increase the revenue collection across counties. The tone at the top in the successful implementation of an Integrated County Revenue Management System is very crucial. In this regard, I will collaborate with the county Governors and all other stakeholders.
Under my leadership, the Commission’s immediate focus will be to roll-out a strategic plan that aligns to the Bottom-up Equalisation Transformation Agenda and to finalize the Third Policy identifying marginalized areas and setting the criteria for the use of the Equalization Fund.
Under my leadership, the Commission will support the counties to exercise prudent financial management, through capacity building. In so doing, we will prepare the counties to migrate to accrual based financial reporting once the Public Sector Accountant Standards Board pronounces itself on the migration from reporting on cash basis.
I am also glad to note that The National Treasury and Economic Planning has already remitted all the monies due to counties for the just concluded financial year. The Commission will continue to engage The National Treasury to ensure timely release of the equitable share of revenue to counties to enable counties execute their budgets timely.
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I take up the leadership of the Commission, I commit to upholding the independence of the Commission and to execute my functions in a transparent, accountable and impartial manner. I pledge to work closely with all stakeholders to ensure that the Commission achieves its mandate.
I assure you that the law will be my guiding principle and that no Kenyan will be left behind as envisaged in the vision of the Commission on Revenue Allocation.
As I conclude, I thank all of you who have found time to join me to witness my oath of office. I wish to sincerely thank my husband, my children, my parents-in-law, my siblings and all my relatives, friends and colleagues for the support they have given me throughout my career as a public servant. Today marks one year since I laid my loving mother to rest. I know my parents are with me in spirit and are proudly witnessing this occasion as well.
Last but not least, I wish to thank the Almighty God as I leave you with a verse from the book of Psalms 18:29 ‘With your help I can run through a barricade; with my God I can scale a wall.’
Thank you and God Bless the Commission.